Song Lyrics

all by Christina Virgilio

copyright 2002 by Christina Virgilio and jvjProductions

7. Who is God but the Lord? this is one of the songs i am most proud of. a presentation of the Gospel in the form of a song.. There once was a man of God named Job He lost all he had in one day don’t you know His friends tried to tell him he had sinned But all Job could say in reply to them (was) Who is God but the Lord There once was a man named Simon Peter The only disciple to walk on the water What must he have been thinking When the Lord asked him this question Who do you say that I am Peter replied… You are Jesus, You’re the Christ Son of God, Lord of Life There comes a time in each man’s life When he feels a presence around him And from somewhere deep inside A still small voice asks him this question He’s asking you now..

"This Is Me" by Christina Virgilio

copyright 2002

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